Chuyển phát nhanh Quốc tế : chuyển phát nhanh tài liệu, hàng hóa, hồ sơ du học, hàng mẫu xuất, nhập khẩu, hồ sơ thầu, vaxin, thuốc, thực phẩm chức năng, quà biếu tặng, hành lí cá nhân… đi 220 nước trên Thế giới, và nhập khẩu từ 220 nước về Việt Nam
Afghanistan | Dominica | Liberia | Saint Barthelemy |
Albania | Dominican Republic | Libya | Saint Lucia |
Algeria | Ecuador | Liechtenstein | Saint Pierre And Miquelon |
American Samoa | Egypt | Lithuania | Samoa |
Andorra | El Salvador | Luxembourg | San Marino |
Angola | Equatorial Guinea | Macau | Sao Tome And Principe |
Anguilla | Eritrea | Macedonia | Saudi Arabia |
Antigua And Barbuda | Estonia | Madagascar | Senegal |
Argentina | Ethiopia | Malawi | Serbia |
Armenia | Falkland Islands | Malaysia | Seychelles |
Aruba | Faroe Islands | Maldives | Sierra Leone |
Australia | Fiji | Mali | Singapore |
Austria | Finland | Malta | Slovakia |
Azerbaijan | France | Marshall Islands | Slovenia |
Bahamas | French Guiana | Martinique | Solomon Islands |
Bahrain | French Polynesia | Mauritania | Somalia |
Bangladesh | Gabon | Mauritius | Somaliland |
Barbados | Gambia | Mayotte | South Africa |
Belarus | Georgia | Mexico | South Sudan |
Belgium | Germany | Micronesia | Spain |
Belize | Ghana | Moldova | Sri Lanka |
Benin | Gibraltar | Monaco | St Kitts And Nevis |
Bermuda | Greece | Mongolia | St Maarten |
Bhutan | Greenland | Montenegro | St Martin |
Bolivia | Grenada | Montserrat | St Vicent And The Grenadines |
Bosnia Herzegovina | Guam | Mozambique | Suriname |
Botswana | Guatemala | Myanmar | Swaziland |
Brazil | Guernsey | Namibia | Sweden |
Brunei Darussalam | Guinea | Nauru | Switzerland |
Bulgaria | Guinea Bissau | Nepal | Syria |
Burkina Faso | Guyana | Netherlands | Taiwan |
Burundi | Haiti | NETHERLANDS ANTILLES | Tajikistan |
Cambodia | Honduras | New Caledonia | Tanzania |
Cameroon | Hong Kong | New Zealand | Thailand |
Canada | Hungary | Nicaragua | Timor-L’Este |
Canary Island | Iceland | Niger | Togo |
Cape Verde | India | Nigeria | Tonga |
Cayman Islands | Indonesia | Niue | Trinidad & Tobago |
Central African Rep | Iran | Norfolk Island | Tunisia |
Chad | Iraq | North Korea | Turkey |
Chile | Ireland | Northern Marianas | Turkmenistan |
Rest of China | Israel | Norway | Turks And Caicos Islands |
China South | Italy | Oman | Tuvalu |
Christmas Island | Jamaica | Pakistan | Uganda |
Cocos Keeling Islands | Japan | Palau | Ukraine |
Colombia | Jersey | Palestinian Territory | United Arab Emirates |
COMOROS | Jordan | Panama | United Kingdom |
Congo | Kazakhstan | Papua New Guinea | United States |
Congo Dem Rep | Kenya | Paraguay | Uruguay |
Cook Islands | Kiribati | Peru | Uzbekistan |
Costa Rica | Korea South | Philippines | Vanuatu |
Cote D Ivoire | Kosovo | Poland | Vaticano |
Croatia | Kosovo | Portugal | Venezuela |
Cuba | Kuwait | Puerto Rico | Virgin Islands British |
Curacao | Kyrgyzstan | Qatar | Virgin Islands US |
Cyprus | Laos | Reunion | Wallis And Futuna Islands |
Czech Republic | Latvia | Romania | Yemen |
Denmark | Lebanon | Russian Federation | Zambia |
Djibouti | Lesotho | Rwanda | Zimbabwe |